Saturday, July 20, 2013

Strong declaration of the Greek archbishop  
Ambrose: "The memorandum, brings war with Turkey or social rebellion"

A military conflict with Turkey or a social uprising inside is not impossible, as estimated by the Metropolitan  Ambrose
the Greek archbishop, in an article published yesterday. He characterized for national positions and the courage of his words, is denunciatory against memorandum of the greek governments stressing that "if Greece continue this course heading for a new national disaster."

Vvisiting the German minister, Schaeuble, Bishop speaks of "obedience" to "German boot" while Samaras criticized the government that not only drains finances of the Greek citizens already but which destroys morale, since worships of Germans without bringing the slightest resistance, to provide citizens with at least some dignity.
Considers that this depression of morale leads thousands of Greeks in suicide, and the next few months with the love letter from the Tax Office will bring new suicides with the government..
Concludes that it is not a prophecy, but on common sense, based on which the Reverend sees occurs a great destruction of national dimensions, or outside on the side of Turkey, either from within a large social uprising with unpredictable dimensions Ambrosios said.

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