Tuesday, July 9, 2013

DSS Asks If Serbian Government And NATO Support Albania-Kosovo Agreement



BELGRADE – The opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) asked on Tuesday the government and the Serbian Defence Ministry what they will do after the signing of an agreement on military cooperation between Albania and interim institutions in Kosovo-Metohija, and whether on the occasion the government has requested an explanation from the NATO Alliance, which includes Albania among its members.

Stressing that the agreement jeopardizes Serbia’s territorial integrity given that it includes provisions which are dangerous for the security of citizens and the country, and also that Kosovo does not have its armed forces, DSS MP Jovan Palalic said that the behavior of the NATO Alliance is particularly worrying, and asked whether such an agreement could be signed without its knowledge.

In the part of the session when MPs can ask for information from the competent persons, he said that the agreement makes it possible for the Albanian Armed Forces to be present in Kosovo-Metohija, and asked whether this means that that they will be able to stay in north Kosovo and finish the job that the Kosovo forces cannot.

“What kind of message is NATO sending to Serbia when it allows this,” Palalic asked, and called on the government to pose a question to the military alliance whether it supports such an agreement and whether it respects Serbia’s military neutrality.

Palalic asked the government whether Serbia’s scope of participation in the Partnership for Peace will be questioned due to such behavior of the military alliance.

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