Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Οι Τσάμηδες μπήκαν στην κυβέρνηση της Αλβανίας


by Constantine Cholevas

The Chams joined the Government of Albania

Berisha had dreamed of the "Greater Albania", now we have Eddie Rama, whose government will rely on the votes of five Chams. Switching parties in Tirana never affected positively or negatively the Greek-Albanian relations. Perhaps the TAP pipeline bring us closer. However, the issues of the rights of the Northern Epirs and the two major parties, democratic and socialist, keep almost the same negative line. Opposite to the demands of the Chams both parties are equally supportive. The new development is that we see after the parliamentary elections to increase the seats of both Tsamos parties and the Socialist leader Edi Rama to form government with the support of five vicious Chams, who managed to get elected to the Albanian Parliament.
By 'Tsamis "we mean a group of Muslims who lived in Thesprotia from the 17th to the mid 20th century. The word is a corruption of the name "Thyamis", ie the Kalama River. The Chams are the descendants of converts to Islam, Orthodox Christians of Epirus. Many of those forcibly converted to Islam after the unfortunate insurrection of Bishop Dionysius the Philosopher (Skylosofou) in the early 17th century. Changing religion led quickly to shift national consciousness. This shows that the Orthodox faith is a powerful element of our national identity.
Under the Treaties of Lausanne of 1923, the 23,000 Albanian Chams had to leave Greece, but the government of General T. Pangalos kept them here, to show our good disposition towards the new state of Albania. A move that was not appreciated by the Albanian government, which from then until today oppress Northern Epirus. During the Italian invasion of 1940 and the dramatic period of occupation, the Chams were the best partners of Italian fascists and German Nazis. Organizer with the Albanian National Committee XILIA committed massacres, looting and arson in Greek Epirus.
The Chams were persecuted by the National Resistance groups EDES under Napoleon Zervas and fled to Albania together with their families. In 1945 the Special Court collaborationist Ioannina sentenced in absentia 1,930 Chams war criminals, and the property was confiscated and was distributed to the landless in the area.
Immediately after the fall of the communist regime tsamiko issue adopted by the two major parties in Tirana. Establishing the organization Tsameria (Tsamouria) followed by the establishment parties with which it seeks the return of the descendants of the Chams in Greece and the return of their property. Behind this request becomes visible territorial claim of Thesprotia and other Greek regions. Occasionally maps printed in Albania, Kosovo and Albanian-speaking areas of Skopje include Greek Epirus as "Tsameria." In the streets of Konitsas and other Greek cities have seen the slogans written requests Chams.
To some extent, of course, the theme swells from Tirana as a distraction to the demands of Greeks living in Northern Epirus and the rest of Albania. At times the issue of the Chams has been raised by the official website of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but temporarily withdrawn because of Greek protests. Into the hands of the Albanian propaganda often throws some Greeks ignorant of history scientists and NGOs, discovering unheard minorities.
Along with our best wishes to Eddie Rama luck he should be remembered, first, that we reject outright propaganda Chams and secondly, that we will support in any way the physical and cultural survival of Hellenism in Albania.



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