Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Berisha: 10% of the Greek population is Albanian

Prime Minister Sali Berisha's comments during the discussion on the draft law granting citizenship CE Albanian media have sparked reaction in the region.

Berisha during his speech at the Council of Ministers, said that "today in Greece, almost 10 percent of the population is Albanian and Greek media has not even a single program to slip."

This comment has prompted the media to qualify Greek Prime Minister Sali Berisha as "delirant" and attempt to attract attention after the election defeat.

"With this decision not yet given early response Albanian diasporas, Arvanites and Arbëreshs. But this is an ongoing process. It can not be denied, but for now the decision provides these. Diasporas, Arvanites in Greece and Italy have ever arberesh in providing a great historic contribution to the friendly countries, and our Diaspora in Turkey that is two times greater than the Albanian population ", said Berisha

The head of government is not to mention the Albanians left Turkey. "During my period at the Council of Europe tried many resolutions that included Turkish radio broadcasts in Albanian, but it did not happen. Even this year, when a player raised his voice, had a very dishonest wave against him, which forced Prime Minister Erdogan to stand on the side of the player. "

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