Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Albanians in Presevo, call Serbia for Autonomy

Shqiptarët e Preshevës kërkesë Serbisë

Representatives of the Presevo Valley, the Albanians announced that they have asked the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, the Albanians in the area to enjoy the same rights as Serbs of Kosovo.They said that this request had been admitted to the first meeting held in Belgrade with Serbian Deputy Prime Minister, who has assured them that he would visit the Valley to look closely concerns the Albanians living there.They said the area is required to have access to the university and greater participation in government and institutions of Serbia. It was also said that the Serbian government is seeking to provoke the question of the monolith, legalized national symbols, becomes demilitarization of the Valley and similar requirements that will enable the improvement of the situation in that part.At the beginning of last month, Kosovo's parliament passed a resolution in support of the fundamental rights of the Albanians in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, three Albanian-majority municipalities in southern Serbia.The text of the resolution, requested the addition of state care Kosovo Albanians of the Presevo Valley and enjoy the same rights to Serbs in northern Kosovo Albanians in the area.In resolution also requested the release of political prisoners held in prisons in Serbia, Kosovo to care for displaced from the Presevo Valley, provide education and welfare for them, and opened offices in Pristina and Gnjilane to be cared for this purpose. The resolution also requires facilities in Serbia over Kosovo Albanian border from there.Political leaders in the area say that the situation in the Valley continues to be volatile since 2001 when the conflict ended between government forces and rebel Serb Liberation Army of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja fighting for more rights for Albanians in the area.

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