Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Vulin accuses Priština of "opposing integration"

BELGRADE -- Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Aleksandar Vulin says Priština "has proved to be a strong opponent of integration."
Aleksandar Vulin (Tanjug)
Aleksandar Vulin (Tanjug)
Certain statements, such as one made by Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuci, are meant to threaten the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, he added.
Kuci said that there was "no need for as many as 800 Serb police officers in the north and only some 100 to 150 will be recruited."

Vulin told Tanjug that the statement confirms something that has "already been felt for a while" in the talks on the implementation of the April 19 Brussels agreement between Belgrade and Priština - that “the greatest opponent of Serb integration is Priština.”

“The statement, which is setting out quota instead of integration goals, is an attempt to frighten the members of our Interior Ministry in KiM and to make them move out of there. Such statements reveal that Priština wants the territory and that it does not want the Serbs in the territory. Serbia finds the idea about the loss of jobs and, consequently, the announcement and threats of eviction, absolutely unacceptable,” said Vulin.

“The Republic of Serbia cannot accept it. The text of the Brussels agreement is more than clear on that - there is either enough room for everybody or there is room for nobody,” said Vulin.

He stressed that this is not a struggle for some kind of employment conditions, “but a fight to have KiM Serbs employed in security structures that will be recognized across the world and to ensure that they can provide security for themselves and their families through these security structures, since we know that both the international community and Priština have failed in doing that for them,” said Vulin.

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