Friday, June 21, 2013

Venizelos Decides To Support Coalition Gov't

By on 21.6.13

A message of stability and responsibility to all directions was sent out by PASOK party leader Evangelos Venizelos late on Thursday following the three coalition government party leaders. The meeting failed to achieve a breakthrough in talks over the fate of the now closed down state broadcaster ERT.

Speaking before a joint meeting of his party's parliamentary group and political council to consider latest developments, Venizelos clarified that PASOK does not want early elections and noted that Greek people feel the same way.

He said that there should be no "surprises" between the coalition partners or "petty partisan behaviours," (basically pointing the finger at DIMAR and Mr. Fotis Kouvelis).

Nonetheless, he accused the New Democracy party of having opened a Pandora's Box by its decision to shut down the state broadcaster ERT, which in turn "raised concerns over the functioning of institutions and democracy."

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