Friday, June 7, 2013

The head of the Catholic Church of Albania, reacts to the motive of the general released from military high post, with Catholic backgrounds

Archbishop of the Catholic Church, Rrok Mirdita, sent a letter yesterday  to the former-chief of  General Staff of the Armed Forces, Sander Leshi, which expresses surprise for his removal from office.
In the letter signed by Monsignor Snatch Mirdita, expressed concern for the former general statement Lleshi, that his dismissal was due to the pressure of the Albanian Forum Canadian Catholic faith.
"I do not want to believe that the President of the Republic has acted under pressure from a militant group that attacked because of your Catholic identity, because I want to believe that freedom of religious belief of every citizen of Albania is not only recognized, but also the protected by the state at any level. would be very disturbing if it was not so "finishes leader of the Catholic community in Albania.
The newspaper "Panorama"

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