Sunday, June 9, 2013

SManalysis update from Albania

Turkey Investments, a secret military pact with Albania

Turkish military investments in Albania, will increase by about 5 million euros for Kucovo airport and naval base of Orikum

The Albanian government has adopted a military agreement not to make public, in contradiction with the spirit of NATO for military investment growth, which reach 5 million euros, mainly in Kucovo Air Force Base and the naval base in Oricum.

There is no reaction from the closest western countries of Albania, Italy and Greece, though, the country is involved in the bitter election campaign in all the history of elections in Albania.

The European Parliament has expressed its concern regarding the Turkish economic investments in the Balkans, and especially in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Bosnia, where there is a concentration's Muslim population ..

According to the European Commission, Turkish investments in the Balkans, reach 24 billion euros for 2012.

Especially Germany, has been concerned about the fact in that these investments, privatizations associated with strategic and military intervention.

Erdogan wants from Edi Rama, leader of the opposition in Albania, continuing the Turkish economic concessions


Edi Rama, the day before the outbreak of protests in Turkey, met privately with Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul. According to Albanian weekly "Impact" Erdogan had asked Socialist leader Edi Rama, concessions for Turkish business doing, with his arrival in power after the election.

But more confidential sources, Erdogan had also asked them Edi Rama, to influence be included in the next parliament, some Albanian nationalist MPs, mainly of the Cham Community.

The Greek Community in Northern Epirus, concerned by the withdrawal of the Greek army in the border with Albania

According to the first reactions of the ethnic Greek residents in Southern Albania (Northern Epirus) the decision of the Supreme Council of Defense of Greece, to reduce the Greek military forces, in the border with Albania is one of the major concerns of the 100-year history of the Greek Albanian relations.

This is one more motivation of the Albanian extremists, but also the Albanian state structures, to intimidate and to move from their property, all ethnic Greek community living in Northern Epirus.

We feel deeply betrayed by the government of Athens, in a time when there is no hope, to care for thousands of families of Northern Epirus, to feel sure, opposite the Albanian nationalist strategy, stated a member of the Greek community from Saranda.

The Northern Epirus Community in Albania has followed the Greek parliament on line debates between the Minister of Defense of Greece and MP of the Golden Dawn, Chriostos Pappas, major concern about this, for the future security of Their Families in southern Albania.

 The Albanian campaign 2013, Rama and Berisha are OK for legalization in all over Albania


Both political leaders Sali Berisha and Edi Rama, are campaigning for the legalization of Albanian properties (that have occupied the property belonging to the Greek community)

This call, is updated regularly, especially in southern of Albania, which is concentrated electoral battle between Rama and Berisha.

Both major parties, have not clearly defined the position of land distribution, which is based on a law (7501) but disrupts the entire Ionian coast in Vlora to Konispol, properties which are historically inhabited by indigenous Greeks, but that is legalized by the Albanian come, especially from the north.

With the legalization process, the Albanian government of Sali Berisha, privatized and then sold, Kakome lands, belonging to the community of Nivitsa.

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