Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sali Berisha, Prime Minister, up to the end of September

13 November 2012
  Admiral Sir George Zambellas, Commander of the British Fleet and  Chief of the Naval Staff, visited Albania today, in a historic visit between the two countries. Admiral Zambellas is the most senior British military officer ever to visit Albania. The Admiral met President Nishani and the Minister of Defence, Mr Imami. He will also meet Prime Minister Berisha and the Chief of the Defence Staff later in his visit.

But the troops of the British Navy, will be present in southern Albania, under operation Albanian Lion 2013

Although there resigned the Democratic Party, and conceded defeat of the parliamentary elections, Berisha will continue to be prime minister of Albania until the end of September 2013.

It appears, that the opposition has won two thirds of the seats in parliament, wants to make quiet summer holiday, while the fact is not known why Berisha demanded that still remain in government for three months.

However, Article 67 of the Albanian Constitution, authorizes the Albania's prime minister in power, to maintain absolute power, in the case of cross-border conflict Ney.

Also, for the month of August, the British Navy, has predicted that on behalf of NATO, to install approximately seven thousand troops in southern Albania, half of which will be to conduct operational exercise in land.

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