Friday, June 7, 2013

Porti i Vlorës, tre anijet e NATO-s, vizitë jo të paralajmëruar

Albanian media say three NATO ships entered the port of Vlora, in formation war, the Albanian defense ministry, says the opposite
\ Two weeks ago, the Albanian parliament voted for NATO law, which authorizes NATO forces, to enter without special request from TiranaPort of Vlora, three NATO ships, unofficial visit. DM reacts

Three NATO SNMCMG2 Mine Counter-measuring Ships have anchored on Friday morning in the port ofAulona.

Three vessels requesting mines, installed in NATO Base in Naples, one British, one Turkish and one Italian, arrived in the early hours of the morning at the Port of Vlora. According to port authorities but also the Albanian military naval authorities, their visit is a visit informal and unofficial. In meetings that they have not included or government officials and central and local government will have several visits to the area known. 
According to the same sources of Balkanweb, there has been a confirmation of what has been their mission before arriving in Albania, but learned that the ships have stayed a few days on the island of Malta.NATO military authorities did not declare to the media about the purpose of their visit, expected before their departure to have a common train but this news is not confirmed as the Albanian authorities or NATO military

NATO ships that arrived today in the coastal port city will leave on June 10.

Albanian Defence Ministry has reacted in the media about the information distributed in the lineup today for the arrival of three boats fighting NATO in Vlora bay, stating that they are on aid mission to Albania.


Standing NATO Mine-Countermeasures Group 2, is a multinational, integrated maritime force - made up of vessels from various allied nations, training and operating together as a single team - that is permanently available to NATO to perform a wide range tasks, from participating in exercises to crisis response and real world operational missions. Usually the Force is employed in the Mediterranean area but, as necessary, will be available anywhere NATO requires it to deploy.

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