Saturday, June 1, 2013

No statements after Vučić's meeting with Serbs

BELGRADE -- Serbia's First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić met in Belgrade on Friday with representatives of Serbs from northern Kosovo and Metohija
Representatives of Serbs from Kosovo are seen in Belgrade (Tanjug)
Representatives of Serbs from Kosovo are seen in Belgrade (Tanjug)
According to announcements, they discussed the implementation of the agreement reached between Belgrade and Priština in Brussels on April 19, "and other important topics."
The talks lasted more than two and a half hours. No statements were made after the meeting.

Vučić met with Deputy Director of the Government's Office for Kosovo Krstimir Pantić, head of the Kosovo Mitrovica District Radenko Nedeljković, Chairman of the Serb National Council in northern Kosovo Milan Ivanović, and the mayors of the four Serb-majority municipalities in the north of the province.

Earlier in the day, Vučić was quoted as saying that he was "certain that an agreement would be reached," and that "the strength of the state is demonstrated through arguments and an agreement with our people."

He was also quoted as saying that "it is important to continue the talks," and that the government "did not opt to sack those who are against the Brussels agreement."

Representatives of Serbs from northern Kosovo previously on several occasions stated that they were against the deal reached in the negotiations between Belgrade and Priština.

After Vučić traveled to Kosovo in early May, it was announced that "the positions of the two sides had been brought closer."

The previous meeting in Belgrade was held on May 20.

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