Sunday, June 2, 2013

Explosion near DP candidate's house in Vlora

Explosion near DP candidate's house
A considerable amount of explosive blew off today in a 12-store building at the “29 Nentori” neighborhood of Vlore, at 2:45 of this Saturday’s morning. 

The explosive blew off near the 10th floor and caused large damages in the elevators and the houses around. Police is investigating in this case even the fact that the Vlore branch Democratic Party leader lives in the 12th floor of this building, Ardian kollozi.

Police says that the explosion was powerful enough to damage the doors of several apartments, and to be heard even in the surrounding area. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Several experts arrived on the scene, together with the State Police vice Director, Tonin Vocaj, and a group of explosive experts.

The Vlore Police took many people under custody for interrogation, but they are still unclear about who the target was.

The Democratic Party branch of Vlore considered this a terror attack, and relate the explosion to their candidate Ardian Kollozi.

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