Tuesday, June 25, 2013

BREAKING NEWS - Greek Gov't Reshuffle - The List of the New Government

By on 24.6.13

Editor's Note - Looking over the names in the new government scheme, all of us here at HellasFrappe are deeply disappointed with Antonis Samaras, for allowing PASOK to return to power. HellasFrappe is a conservative blog, but we cannot accept -AND DIGEST- the fact that Evangelos Venizelos and his band of cronies, are back in power. It looks like the Wall Street Journal was right. Several days ago it predicted that Venizelos had his eyes set on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the seat of Vice Premier, PASOK worked its magic and voila... they are back in power. It is totally incomprehensible, the Socialist party of not even 4 percent now has around 13 or 14 Ministers in the new government scheme and several "key" ministries. Also, we noticed that Venizelos brought in Kapsis as Minister again. Kapsis was the government spokesman for Lucas Papademos Mr. trilateral commission himself. He was also the publisher of the PASOK backed TA NEA newspaper which has been against the New Democracy party for decades! All we can say as a blog is SHAME! Conservatives voted for a change... We did not vote to bring PASOK back to power! This will not sit well with the supporters of the New Democracy party.

This is the new government scheme that will be announced formally on Tuesday morning.
Prime Minister:
Antonis Samaras

Deputy Prime Minister
Evangelos Venizelos

Ministry of Finance
Minister: John Stournaras
Deputy Minister: Christos Staikouras
Minister: George Mafragannis

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister: Evangelos Venizelos
Minister: Akis Gerontopoulos
Minister: Dimitris Kourkoulas

Ministry of Defence
Minister: Dimitris Avramopoulos
Minister: Athanasios Davakis
Deputy minister: Fofi Genimata (????)

Ministry of the Interior
Minister: Yiannis Michelakis
Deputy Minister: Leonidas Grigorakos

Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Governance
Minister: Kyriakos Mitsotakis
Minister: Evi Christophilopoulou

Ministry of Development and Competitiveness
Minister Kostis Hadjidakis
Minister: Thanassis Skordas
Minister: Panagiotis Mitarakis

Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks
Minister: Michael Chryssochoidis
Minister: Michalis Papadopoulos

Ministry of Education
Minister: Constantine Arvanitopoulos
Minister: Kostas Gkioulekas
Minister: Simeon Kedikoglou

Ministry of Culture and Sport
Minister: Panos Panagiotopoulos

Minister of Sports
John Hadrian

Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change
Minister Yiannis Maniatis
Deputy Minister Stavros Kalafatis
Minister: Assimakis Papageorgiou

Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare
Minister: Yiannis Vroutsis
Minister: Claus Kegeroglou

Ministry of Health
Minister: Adonis Georgiadis
Minister: Sophia Vooltepsis
Minister: Anthony Mpezas

Ministry of Rural Development and Food
Minister: Athanasios Tsaftaris
Deputy minister: Maximus Charakopoulos

Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights
Minister: Charalambos Athanassiou

Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection
Minister Nikos Dendias

Ministry of Tourism
Minister: Olga Kefalogianni

Department of Marine and Aegean
Minister: Miltiadis Varvitsiotis

Ministry of Macedonia - Thrace
Minister: Theodore Karaoglou

Minister of State
Dimitris Stamatis

Government spokesman
Simos Kedikoglou

Deputy Minister responsible for Broadcasting
Pantelis Kapsis

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