Saturday, June 8, 2013

Albanians will found the association of their communes in FYR Macedonia

ilir dedaSkopje, June 5, 2013

Albanians in Western FYROM will found the association of their communes in the future.
This was said by the former advisor of the President of Kosovo and analyst, Ilir Deda, who currently heads the institute for political research and development KIPRED.

“In FYROM we have a stagnation of the situation, because the Prime Minister doesn’t want to take the country to the NATO, whereas Albanians want the country to become a member of NATO”, said Deda in the conference “Serbia and the European Union-a new opportunity”. Talking about the developments in FYROM, Deda said that in the future, Albanians will found the association of their communes in this country.
Commenting on the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, Deda said that this agreement has many unclear elements and that it bears the danger of Serbs to abandon Kosovo again.

“Over 21 thousand Serbs in Kosovo work in the state administration and are paid by Serbia. What will happen to these people when the implementation of the Brussels Agreement takes place? Kosovo cannot accept all this administration and pay it, because due to the current circumstances, only 4 thousand Serbs can be accepted in the administration”, said the executive director of KIPRED Institute.

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