Thursday, May 30, 2013

Turkey army "shows its teeth"

Large exercises of the Turkish Army at front of the Greek maritime borders


With a large landing was rebuked energy in Seferihisar Gulf of Doğanbey, in south of Smyrna, was completed yesterday the annual interdisciplinary exercise EFES the Turkish Armed Forces (LDC) which although less, considered the best organized and the most advanced means of landings made so far.

H exercise held between 16 and 30 May and involved 7,000 military personnel, 23 landing ships, 22 aircraft and 17 helicopters Administrations Land, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Special Operations Command of the Turkish General Staff.

The exercise involved EFES-2013 Units of 11 L / W TAXPZ of 19 TAXPZ, 57th TAXPV beyond the Marine Brigade attached to the Navy.

The purpose of the exercise was the capture of an island the size of Samos, which was also depicted in one of the maps of photos, even with slightly varied coastline.

Implemented various battle scenarios as naval ban aerapovatikes and amphibious operations by Navy special forces etc.

For the first time in the final phase of the exercise were not invited to attend journalists and syneoos there was "open" coverage, beyond what was recorded the Anadolu state news agency and state television TRT.

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