Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Proinos Logos Newspaper

To give answer to the Albanian challenges!

"The Protocol of Corfu, which as you know, has been abandoned by the Greek diplomacy, and not used, not for the posting of land from the neighboring country, but not even to ensure basic human and property rights in the Greek minority of Northern Epirus. 
The consistently strong interest in Russian diplomacy to highlight the Protocol to the UN Security Council, but also the fact that the decision of th.e U.S. Congress in 1920 is still in force, be sure alarmed Berisha"


* "The Greeks of Albania after the fall of the regime than in 1990, there were still victims of systematic attacks and attacks by the Albanian state and local authorities, aimed to exterminate the people that as minority ethnic, cultural and religious '.

This highlights including a communication by the Albanian authorities, the Appeals Committee Northern Epirus at the International Criminal Court in the Hague for violating the cultural, human and minority rights. The minority does not enjoy either fundamental rights under international law and included in what should respect Albania, as a candidate member of the European Union.

List some of them:
Absence census Greek population-based self ethnicity, limiting the region where the Greek minority recognized repudiation of origin and trying to absorb it, not return the confiscated property of the Orthodox Church, implicit integration and assimilation of the Greek Orthodox Communities, systematic and progressive disappearance of the Greek public schools, non-use of the Greek language in Public Administration which provide an unjustified expropriation of Greek property, seizure Greek media, very limited Greeks working in public administration.

The challenges of Albanians are not confined to a minority. Leading Albanian circles continue to delude themselves with the idea of ​​Greater Albania several years after the independence of Kosovo, as show news and events, causing the international community.
Some of these are:
The annual search for the Balkans, released on 9-12-2010 by the international polling firm Gallup in partnership with the European Fund for the Balkans, highlighted the issue of "Greater Albania" as one of the most important in the region. In the same survey the leaders of Albanian state in the Balkans that soon the region of Presevo will follow the fate of Kosovo, that would secede from Serbia. Themselves have set a target time for the implementation of "Greater Albania or Physics» 2015. In meetings between Albanians of the Balkans, made Tirana, discussed the formation of a union under "List of Natural Albania".

The so-called "Albanian National Army" with online communication, sent to the media and Tirana, Kosovo, Skopje, Presevo and Ulcinj Montenegro had informed that began preparations for the first military operations, and the creation of "ethnic Albanians", the "Greater Albania", which extends to several areas beyond the current boundaries of the Albanian state.
In the announcement, UKSH states, inter alia: "It is time to get rid of the Serbs Slavs and Greeks conquerors who neither time did not stop killing innocent Albanian population living in honored territories, so the war is inevitable. " At the end of the announcement of UKSH calls to former UCK fighters in Kosovo, the UCK in Albanian and Macedonian UCK and Mentvegkie Presevo (southern Serbia) to unite for a cause, the union of the Albanian territories and the creation of "National Albanian '.

Appeared the "Liberation Army of the occupied territories of Albania» (ACTOSH), a terrorist organization with challenging notice threatening ... will hit Balkan targets, among which Konitsa Thesprotia, to annex territories, as mentioned, belong to Albania. For Greece, in particular, ACTOSH says Tsamouria, Kastoria, Florina Konitsa is not Greek and thus must pass into their hands in any way.

Many people associate this new terrorist organization with "UCK" (pp former Albanian Liberation Army of Kosovo). That's because the mode of action and words into communication reminded the specific organization. The only item in the hands of the authorities is the name of the head of the organization. This is a Kosovar named Koustrim Mtrovitsa, considered particularly hardline.
Body of Albanian irredentism is the UCC (Liberation Army Tsamouria). Recall Article of the German magazine «Der Spiegel» (nr. 46 / 10.11.2003) entitled "The revolt of Skipetaron: Albanian extremists planning an armed struggle in Northern Greece in order to create a Greater Albania."

The UCC estimated directly controlled by the UCK. The headquarters of the UCC is in southern Albania, where they have installed their headquarters Chams guerrillas, organized along the lines of UCK. Their power is estimated at 5,000 armed revved to take action and guerrilla sabotage within Greece. Only in the region of Epirus and 12 months were discovered by the Greek security services more than 1,000 Kalashnikovs, 200 pistols and many bullets that the Albanians 'coincidentally' is introduced in this part of Greece. Confidential information that says warehouses with heavy weapons the UCK and the UCC are scattered on the outskirts of Athens and in secret spots in northern Greece. Recruiting additional members from 1,500,000 Albanians living in Greece.

Cham Muslims of Albania, relatives and descendants of war criminals of 1941 to 1944, claiming the free entry into Greece to honor as announced, the anniversary of ... genocide by the Greeks on 27 June 1944. Please remember that 19,000 Chams Muslims who escaped the population exchange in 1923, the 1900 sentenced by the Court quislings Ioannina in 1945 as associates of Germans and conquerors as responsible for crimes against the Greeks of Thesprotia. Rebel groups N. Zervas chased them and they fled to Albania, so been tried in absentia, while the estate of convicted confiscated. Today parties Albania supporting the revanchism of Tsamos organizations and use the purported theme of Human Rights as a distraction to the real issue of the oppression of the Northern.

The Chams in Albania have approached law firm in England and claim refund in Thesprotia, restitution and recognition of "genocide"! Began a process to erect monument of "genocide" by the Greeks in the village Klogkeri of Saranda!
Recently the Albanian Foreign Minister Panariti in private conversations requires recognition genocide for Chams, apparently not having regard to the definition of genocide under international law.

In the Albanian parliament appear Members who openly declare their Tsamis cooperate with Berisha and require Greek lands. End of June 2010 the two Chams Members of PDU Spetim Idriz and Dashamir Tahiri had starred in challenges against Greece in the Albanian parliament. Idriz once again blamed Greece for genocide and asked the House to observe a minute of silence "in memory of the victims of mass massacres in Tsamouria." While all Members present stood up and observed a minute of silence, did the same and the president of KEAD Vangelis Dulles. His attitude angered Tahiri, who ascended to the floor of Parliament and called the president of KEAD 'puppy Zervas'. (Note blog: correctly report the incident Mr. Gkorezis but should keep in mind that the party leader of the National Albanian Army are in the same alliance with Rama and Dule).

Albanian students through new textbooks, they learn the history of "Greater Albania". Naturally, once the book is structured in the sense of "Greater Albania", taught, inter alia, that "the Northwest Greece, from Florina to Preveza on Albanian territory in which" bloodthirsty "Greeks carried" ethnic cleansing "in the Chams who pleiopsifousan in these soils."

The Albanian authorities renamed "Square Tsamouria," as they defiantly Greek Epirus, the main square of Tirana, within the celebration of 100 years of independence, and sacrilegious Albanians invade the Orthodox churches and the profane, the most recent incident in the Temple Saints in Himara. Block the entrance Northern Epirus in Greece, indicating their passports to Albanian place names that exist in the constructed map of Greater Albania supposed to express so irredentist tendencies!
Alvanoi xethemeliosan the monument legendary gypsomatos 731, which shamed the nice spring attack the Italians on 9 March 1941, supervised himself Mussolini! To not party puce Alliance announced that their new branch in Greece is called "puce Tsamouria Alliance" and is based in Thesprotia!

To all this the Albanian government squints and passed the "Dooku", despite the international noise they generate. Moreover, he repeatedly Albanian Prime Minister has gone ... soft nail on the challenges of the Chams to Greece. As if that were not enough, Sali Berisha on the occasion of one hundred years of independence the country said some time ago shamelessly that Albanians have always in their plans of "Greater Albania", encompassing Kosovo, part of FYROM, the Florina to Kastoria, Ioannina, Arta and Preveza!

And last, the Albanian government Berisha:
Delimitation of the maritime border of the country to 12 nautical miles, thus putting the tombstone already inactive agreements between Greece and Albania on 'maritime border. " Take into account that the distance Corfu and Saranda is 6 nautical miles (correct observation but omitted the crucial contribution of the President of SP leader Edi Rama in its application to the Constitutional Court).
Appointed Deputy Education Minister of Albania Ardian the extreme nationalist, President of Tsamos club «cameria» who wants to close the Greek schools in Northern Epirus and makes the struggle for restitution to "Chams".

On 17 May 1914 the Greek Northern won with the blood of his heart and the signing of the Protocol of Corfu Autonomy. O struggle continues today unabated, the steps outlined by the late Metropolitan Konitsis Sebastian and the worthy successor of Andreas.
Is a national need for all healthily minded Greeks:

To demand that Greek diplomacy to begin to face Albania in international fild. And proclaim that the only real minority issues in Greek-Albanian relations are the Greeks of Albania, whom we can rely upon.
Be clear that we respect each labor and honest Albanians who works in our country, but we will not accept the emergence of these temporary residents of our country recognized minority.

And as a first step in this direction could be the epanadiethnopoiisi Protocol of Corfu, which as you know, has been abandoned by the Greek diplomacy, and not used, not for the posting of land from the neighboring country, but not even to ensure basic human and property rights in the Greek minority of Northern Epirus.
The consistently strong interest in Russian diplomacy to highlight the Protocol to the UN Security Council, but also the fact that the decision of the U.S. Congress in 1920 is still in force, be sure alarmed Berisha.

* George Gkorezis is Author veteran, Former President of the International Commission of Military History, Chairman of the Retired Officers in Ioannina

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