Monday, May 27, 2013

"No compromise for observing elections"
TopChannel TV

No compromise for observing elections
Conny McCormack, the head of the OSCE-ODIHR mission in Albania, declared on her first interview in Albania, given to Top Channel’s journalist, Muhamed Veliu, that their team will not be influenced by anyone.

McCormack underlines that there will be no compromise in declaring the facts during the voting day, the ballot counting process and the result. The OSCE-ODIHR chief observer said that for the moment they are collecting information from the terrain, based on facts, and are processing that information for the report that will be announced after two weeks.

Top Channel: What will this report focus on mostly?

Conny McCormack: This is what the ODIHR does. We stay here for two months, from the electoral campaign, to collect information for the electoral body, which also includes the Central Election Commission, the election administration, the registration of voters, the candidates’ list, the electoral process. We will be here until July 9th to follow the process of appeals. We are following two pilot projects that are related with the usage of electronics in these elections. It is a detailed and all-inclusive process.

Top Channel: During these two weeks, what have you verified about the work made by the Central Election Commission as administers of the electoral process?

Conny McCormack: Naturally that the implementation of the Electoral Code is another aspect that we see. It is one of the many aspects that we see. So far, there have been situations that are not in full accordance with the Electoral Code.

Top Channel: Could there be free and honest elections with half of the Central Election Commission, where the opposition is not represented, after the Parliament replaced one member and the three others resigned?

Conny McCormack: Naturally that everyone is thinking about the qualified majority, including the issue of having votes for the decisions that required five votes, which is not possible now. We are collecting information and observing the decisions that are taken; which of those are in full accordance with the Code and which ones need qualified majority. the Central Election Commission will be part of our report. Certainly that we will clearly speak about this, since, as I said, the the Central Election Commission is on everybody’s mind as the main component, and this aspect will be valued. We also see all of the aspects. We see the entire election administration, starting from the ballot count and the voting process, which is the key of the process, including the transparency in which it is being held and the transmission of the results. Certainly that the legal aspect is an important one for the process. There are many people who are trying to find a solution to the situation with the Central Election Commission. Certainly, it would be better having a complete Commission. It is functioning now and we need to wait for the process to evaluate the Central Election Commission’s work.

Top Channel: The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is represented in this observing mission by Roberto Batelli. You might be surprised by my question, but due to the sensibility of this name, I am obliged to ask you: Mr. Batelli is known as a close friend of another member of the assembly, Wolfgang Grossruck, who is a personal friend of the Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, Do you trust in Mr.Batelli’s impartiality and what effect will the Prime Minister’s friendship have in the final OSCE-ODIHR report?

Conny McCormack: The partnership between the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the ODIHR is built with a short two-week mission of theirs. They are an additional value, while we are here for eight weeks. We hope to have a better cooperation and better position. This is our goal, and this is always a challenge. There are also other observing groups, including that of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament. There will be a wide international presence in the observing mission. Personally I have met Mr.Batelli and that was a good meeting. I felt that we have started a good cooperation. We must still wait to have an answer to your question.

Top Channel: Who will say the final word for the elections? You or Mr.Batelli?

Conny McCormack: This remains to be seen, doesn’t it? Let’s wait until the preliminary report is published, one day after the elections. I understood by the ODIHR people that this is a report that will be read word per word. I believe that there will be a negotiation for that. We hope to introduce an unanimous report during the press conference. I want to say that the ODIHR will allow no compromises. If we will find things that need to be said, you will hear them.

Top Channel: What made you apply for head of the ODIHR observing mission in the June 23rd elections of Albania?

Conny McCormack: I have always been interested to work with the OSCE. I have never worked with the ODIHR in the past. This would be a good opportunity to have a new approach with the process, since I have held many observing missions and preliminary election evaluations for other organizations. I thought that this would be something valuable on my CV.

Top Channel: On this phase of the electoral process, the political parties and the Central Election Commission are the main actors of the elections. During these two weeks in Albania, what opinion do you have about the way how the electoral process is being prepared? Are the actors doing their parts as the Code has stated?

Conny McCormack: As you know, we have a wide ODIHR presence with a team of 15 international members, from 14 member countries. We have election analysts, media analysts, and legal experts. I have held meetings with the leaders of the main parties, and now we are collecting terrain information based on facts, and this information is being processed. This is what we do, because the work of ODIHR is based on facts and evidence. We don’t create an opinion of ours in this early stage of the elections, but naturally we are collecting sufficient data that we will publish in the report after two weeks. You will find a lot of information on this report.

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