Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Nishani dismisses three generals

Nishani dismisses three generals
The Albanian President, Bujar Nishani, has dismissed three Generals of the Armed Forces, including the Vice Chief of the General Command, Sander Lleshi. 

General Lleshi, one of the names mentioned as candidate for President, declared that the decree was not expected.

During an interview for Top Channel, Lleshi underlined that he will address the court for this decision, and mentioned his previous conflicts with the Minister of Defense, Arben Imami.

“We are not talking about a development of the recent days, but something that has a long story behind. Based on this report, there are several important principle divergences based on the way how the Armed Forces function, a problem that I have discussed in all respective instances with the Minister, and I recently made it official with a letter to the Head of State. We are talking about a discussion that started a long time ago about principles and the way how the Armed Forces are led and how they function”, the General declared.

With a 35-year-long career in the Armed Forces, the General’s name became more noted when the famous Albanian writer, Ismail Kadare, proposed him as one of the candidates for president. During an interview for Top Channel, the General avoided to discuss any political issue.

“Unfortunately, this decree is not based on the career law for the Armed Forces, not even formally. This is a legally and principally crippled decree. The relations with the NATO and the fulfillment of the NATO obligations; the training of the personnel and of the Armed Forces people, and also the focusing of the Armed Forces in their mission, are three of the main reasons for this conflict”, Lleshi declared.

The two other dismissed generals are the Air Force Commandant, General Dhori Spirollari, and the Commander of Regional Support, General Abaz Lleshi. 

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