Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Greece, monitoring the Greek Albanian border with satellite

Fires in rural areas or in forests and pollution incidents of water resources and rivers will detect satellite tracking system of natural resources in border areas of Greece and Albania.

The monitoring will be carried out using advanced earth observation satellites and through techniques that utilize actual measurements. In addition, we created digitally and printed maps of the region to be determined - at any time - the state and make it easier decision making.

The above provides the project SSMNature European Territorial Cooperation Programme (Interreg) «Greece - Albania 2007-2013", in which the Region of Western Macedonia, the Local Economic Development Agency of Vlora city (Vlore), the Region of Gjirokastra, the NGO Biologists Albania and the City Konitsas.

According to the Regional Director of Western Macedonia George Dakis, the program is particularly important given that the Region faces a problem due to the "invasion" of forest fires from neighboring countries, such as Albania and FYROM.

"The interest from our side focuses on areas such Prespa, about the possibility of flooding, and the mountains of Florina and the line, the possibility of forest fires," explains program manager for the Region, Dimitris Tsiplinas.

And adds that satellite monitoring can provide very useful data on the quality and quantity of water, but also for cases of illegal construction on forest or protected areas therefore involves the Forest Service which will provide a useful tool. Considered, moreover, the possibility that year and from the Greek - apart from the Albanian side - an unmanned helicopter, which could be sent on the ground, in case of fire, to verify the situation.

The program budget for the District is 53,000 €, which will be covered by 75% by Interreg and 25% from own resources. Concurs with the estimates for the operation of the satellite monitoring system, this 'placed' time next September, when completed by then the process of the competition provided by the program.

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