Thursday, May 16, 2013

Engel: June 23rd elections are very important

Engel: June 23rd elections are very important

Eliot Engel, a lawmaker at the United States House o Representatives, says that the elections in Albania are extremely important and have got the attention of the entire international community.

In an interview for Radio Free Europe, Engel hopes that the elections will be honest and will bring out the real winner, and that this is a good step for the integration aspirations of our country.

“Albania is a proud NATO member, and I would be happy to see it in the European Union. The EU will observe these elections and will decided if Albania is a valid candidate for the European Union by basing their opinion on the progress of these elections”, Engel declared.

The United States high rank official says: “I hope that the disagreements that exist with the Central Election Commission will be resolved. We hope that whoever wins will have a victory that is accepted and respected by everyone”.

Engel says that the conflicts of the past cannot be part of the developments that we have today, adding that Albania must show that they deserve to join the European Union, and that the elections will be an important part for the European Union’s opinion.

“I think that Albania should be a candidate member. I would like to see Albania and Kosovo in the European Union, but these elections are extremely important and they have got the attention of the entire world”, Engel declared.

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