Sunday, May 19, 2013

Christos Pappas Statesman to  Greek Foreign Ministry, for implementation of the Corfu Protocol, 1914


TO: Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos
SUBJECT: "The Protocol of Corfu and submissive government policy towards the Albanians'
Once the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Afairs, inside the coalition mentioned with reverence in the proper observance of the Treaty of Lausanne, the Treaty of defeat, between our country and the Turks, and asks the strict application, unfortunately it does not do the same for the application Protocol of Corfu, as the Protocol of Victory, signed on 17 May 1914, nine years before the Treaty of Lausanne between Greece and Albania.  

With the signing of this Protocol, Albania and the Great Powers, recognized the autonomy of Northern Epirus, the Greek character and to fully vested religious, linguistic and educational freedom of its people.

Today the Greeks of Northern Epirus is left at the mercy of the Albanian irredentism. Without any substantial help from their homeland, Greeks of Northern Epirus experiencing perhaps conditions worse than those of the 80s. Without schools, without basic human rights. Here the person during Northern Epirus treated with analgesia, with no national or social sensitivity. Deprives the state and even pensions OGA the time for other minor issues, the state can finds funds even if they exist.

On the occasion of the anniversary of a then forgotten by the political establishment anniversary of a national and diplomatic victory for our country.


1) Why not demand that the Albanians implement the Protocol of Corfu; Why does our diplomatic policy towards the Albanians becomes more assertive, as regards the rights of the Greeks of Northern Epirus; 

2) In what ways will strengthen our brothers in Northern Epirus opposite the Albanian irredentism; What steps will be taken in order to protect their rights? 
3) Continue the Greek Foreign Ministry the same submissive policy towards Albania, once the Albanian provocations has reached a point where it sees as Albanian territory across the continent?

Athens, 17/05/2013

Christos PappasMP of Golden Dawn Party

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