Monday, May 13, 2013

Albanians in Italian universities

Albanians in Italian universities
Albanians make the highest number of foreign students in Italian universities. The Italian University System has registered 79.000 foreign students, 11.800 of whom are Albanians, followed by the Chinese with 6000 students.

More than half of the students outside the European Union aim faculties such as those of Economy, Engineering, Medicine, Surgery and Nursery.

One third are concentrated in the Universities of Rome, Firenze, Peruggia and Siena. Although there is a higher number of foreign students in Italian universities, Italy remains among the last industrialized countries that attracts foreign students.

The total number of foreign students in the European Union is 1.7 million. The reasons that stop the massive arrival of foreign students in Italy might be the high bureaucratic level for the residence permits, the living conditions, the lack of dormitories and the low spread of Italian language.

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