Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Albania changing national defense strategy


Added to the number of soldiers, concepts of ethnic clashes, in very center of strategic and formatting changes to boundaries

Although it is premature for the Albanian public and international, in the eve of parliamentary elections, Albania is changing the fundamental concepts of the national strategy.

Albanian media sources, for SManalysis say that due to substantial changes, have been ethnic clashes in the Balkans, for which the Albanian army should be ready to defend territories where Albanians live, but at the same time as a NATO member country

  Just during this election campaign problematic, simultaneously Albanian government is organizing press coverage, a spot of modernization of the Albanian army, from patrol boats to the Marine transport helicopters.

Regarding this fact, as part of law enforcement, the Albanian parliament, in broad concencus together with the opposition, voted the new Criminal Code, which shake the very freedoms and universal human rights, as well as that of said Parliament, on the one hand violates universal rights and freedoms, but protects the danger of a wider political instability in Albania.

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