Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"Action plan for implementation expected"
BRUSSELS -- EU's Catherine Ashton expects Ivica Dačić and Hashim Thaci to on Tuesday agree on concrete steps for the implementation of the Brussels agreement.


Ashton and Dačić are seen during the Brussels talks (file)
Ahead of a new round of talks in Brussels, Maja Kocijačič, a spokesperson for the EU foreign policy chief, told reporters that Ashton will do everything in her power to achieve this.

A new meeting between Dačić and Thaci, their first after initialing an agreement on normalization of relations on April 19, is set for the afternoon, and as usual will begin with Ashton meeting separately with the delegations of Belgrade and Priština.

Afterwards, Ashton will sit down for a working dinner with the heads of governments in Belgrade and Priština, "which could last well into the night," said Kocijačič.

This round cannot continue the next day like some previous ones, since Ashton has to present a report on Syria to the European Council on Wednesday morning, Tanjug has learned from a source at the European Commission.

Dačić and Thaci will probably meet in Brussels one final time before the Council of the EU makes its decision regarding Serbia's accession talks on June 28, said the source.

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