Saturday, April 27, 2013

We should not celebrate just yet, EU’s Ashton says

MOSCOW -- EU High Representative Catherine Ashton believes that one should not be happy about the Belgrade-Priština agreement in advance.
Catherine Ashton (Beta/AP)
Catherine Ashton (Beta/AP)
“We should not be so happy about it in advance. History is not over yet. Both states are still at the crossroads but two brave men have already chosen a path of peace,” she told Moscow-based daily Kommersant.
Ashton said she had in the past six months witnessed Serbia and Kosovo PMs Ivica Dačić and Hashim turn from politicians to peacekeepers, noting that they knew how to take chances and that they were not afraid of it.

“On October 19 Thaci and Dačić came into my office in the new headquarters of the European Committee for Foreign Affairs. Neither politician knew how news of their meeting would be accepted in their countries,” she stressed.

Ashton pointed out that the both prime ministers’ job was to “help dozens of thousands of Serbs who live in northern Kosovo”.

According to her, both of them were “ready for a constructive dialogue”.

“Now, Serbia and Kosovo are striving to join the EU. A process that will allow them to achieve their goal has started with the agreement which was reached last week,” the EU high representative said.

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