Tuesday, April 9, 2013

SP: Draft resolution for Chameria

SP: Draft resolution for Chameria
The Socialist leader, Edi Rama, declared that the SP will include the Cham issue in their program.

Rama said that it is time to give an end to the hypocrite silence about the Cham case, and also to the primitive nationalistic approach.

“This is the time to look forward. The time of nationalisms and extremisms, which dominated the region, now belongs to the past. We propose a new step, on behalf of our future. We propose an alternative draft-resolution for the Cham case”, Rama declared.

The SP leader underlined that the Cham case is a political issue that should be addressed to in full accordance with the international norms. He added that this issue should also consider the good neighbouring relations, for a mutual interest.

“This alternative draft resolution addresses to this issue by bringing the Albanian politics out of this inertia which is not that decent, and by stabilizing the terrain of an unreasonable conflict between the political forces of this country, which have the high interest of representing different communities, making sure that this issue will not feed hate, but it will serve to the good neighbouring. We consider the Cham case a political issue and to be treated between the two countries, it should be included in the political agenda between Albania and Greece. We ask the Council of Ministers to report twice a year at the Albanian Parliament about the progress of the Cham case”, Rama declared.

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