Sunday, April 14, 2013

Southern Albania, Greeks seek independence: Albania,"

Greek minority in southern Albania is aspiring for freedom and independence from Albania.

Unexpected statements came out in a television debate where talking about Cham resolution, while the Greek minority representatives said, clearly not wanting to discuss the for Cham resolution.

"The Himara Autonimy is in power and we are working in that direction," said Stavri Marko, one of the representatives of the Greek community in Southern, even by comparing the current situation with the aspirations of the Albanians in the Presevo Valley.

"As demand Albanians in southern Serbia, so ask us," said Marko, who has called the Republic of Albania "banana republic".

"Three days away the US represent in Tirana Arvizu in Corfu, let's leave it to the OSCE, the EU representatives, and the other three days, here is banana republic," he said.

"No, not offend Albanian state" was the response of Ardi Nurellari, as representative of PJIU, which irritated this Markos statement.

"The Albanian government works very well, no need for them, this is ofese for the Republic of Albania. The Republic of Albania is not a banana republic, this is your problem, we are a member of NATO, a country that is moving towards the European Union. So you can not come and hurt the Albanian people ", he added.
Moreove, Stavri Marko, whose identity was in question because He is the cousin of Albanian writer Petro Marko, sees himself and his community more progressive than the Albanians.

"We are a community that is moving forward. We walked a lot more money than Albania.. It is not our fault that Albania is in this state. We are a community model that forwart for freedom and independence historicaly, "said Marko.

While Ardi Nurellari reminded Markos worries that Greece and the crisis through which we are passing, but the latter is protected by saying that "Greece is in dire, but the army has in store."

This statement and others met with humor by the director of the show and other debaters in the emission
properties of Cham Albanians who were expelled from their properties estimated at 1 billion euros. If calculated missing earnings under the law of war, it is estimated up to 20 billion euros. There are over 200 thousand acres of the most beautiful areas of Greece. /

 Indeksonline Kosovo Pres Agency

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