Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pitella meets Rama and Meta

Pitella meets Rama and Meta
Gianni Pittella, the Vice President of the European Parliament, arrived in Tirana to greet the agreement between the SP and the SMI,


He had his first meeting with the opposition leader, Edi Rama. Pittella declared that he sent the full support of the European left parties for the unification of the Albanian left group. Pittella believes that they are the government that will put the country out of the crisis and will continue the EU integration path.

“I decided to personally thank my friends, Ilir Meta and Edi Rama, for reaching this agreement and communicate our best wishes on behalf of the European Parliament and the Socialist left parties, so that they can leave the past behind and start a new path.
The problems of this country are many. There is a high unemployment rate and a high public debt. This makes us say that the best solution is to unite all forces. We must see the unification of the Albanian left parties, and this is the guarantee that there will be a new government focused on integration. We must turn the dream of the Albanians to reality, ini order to be closer to Europe. The new alliance of left parties will help us a lot in this direction. I guaranteed a strong support to Meta and Rama”, Pittella declared.

For Ilir Meta, who gave his first interview from the opposition, it is possible to vote the three integration laws in this parliamentary session.

“SMI started this day as an opposition force, but with the main goal to contribute to the country’s stability and to accelerate the EU integration process, which could take a new impulse within this mandate. I believe that we have all the possibilities to progress with this”, Meta declared.

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