Sunday, April 28, 2013

“North wants partition of Kosovo”

BELGRADE -- Rada Trajković says the implementation of the Brussels agreement in northern Kosovo cannot change anything with regard to what Serbs currently have.

Rada Trajković (B92, file)
Rada Trajković (B92, file)

Rada Trajković (B92, file)
However, the United Serbian List member of the Kosovo assembly believes that there are tendencies to lose the “government roof over our heads”.

“Now we all need to make an effort so as to ensure that the acceptance of the agreement does not stir the population into moving or intimidate the people by some roister in Belgrade and thus drive them to start moving from Kosovo-Metohija,” Trajković told Belgrade-based daily Politika, adding that afterwards, when the situation had stabilized, the authorities needed to invest efforts in the project of return.

She stated that leaders of northern Kosovo Serbs wanted their strong campaign to contribute to destabilization of Serbia because they believed a destabilized Serbia would not work on the implementation of the agreement.

“As a result of this, they believe that the status quo would remain in the north. This practically means they are about to set out on a project of partition of Kosovo and prepare for a solution that would essentially be a partition of Kosovo. They are completely disregarding Serbs living to the south of the Ibar River and in my opinion, even the Serbs in central Serbia as a terrible political and economic crisis would hit Serbia,” Trajković warned.

She explained that through the Brussels agreement, Serbs would get institutions with powers and control rights via the Community of Serb Municipalities, and thus avoid discrimination and outvoting in the Kosovo parliament.

Trajković noted that unlike Serbs south of the Ibar River who were forcefully integrated, nobody called for integration of the Serbs in the north, adding that the Serbs in southern Kosovo won the least through the agreement as the Community of Serb municipalities would primarily gather northern Kosovo municipalities.

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