Friday, April 5, 2013

New Woody Allen Film About Greek Crisis - To Star Brad Pitt & Penelope Cruz


By Hellas Frappe on 5.4.13

Hollywood legend, director and actor, Woody Allen, is apparently preparing a new film based on the Greek crisis and star leading actor Brad Pitt and Penelope Cruz.

Gossip mags in Athens are saying that the film's theme is inspired by the modern day Greece of the memorandum, and the economic crisis that has come along with it. What is really great about this idea is that the movie is also going to focus on the humanitarian crisis that surfaced because of all the austerity measures as well as show how people dealt with the bankruptcy of the nation.Let us just hope that this is not Hollywood promo and rhetoric or something that will just show fluff so that Greece's real story can be told.

The same reports claim that it will be called "Athens by Night" and is expected to narrate the life of a young American author who lives in the area of Plaka, and writes an epic novel on the Greek crisis.

Apparently the script is from Paul Auster and the leading role will be played by (sexy) Brad Pitt, while Penelope Cruz is going to play the role of his Greek lover. (She has the perfect look and accent for it).

The same gossip columns add that Woody Allen and the partners of the movie have already sent an 11-member team to Athens, in complete secrecy, and they are scouting the city for shooting locations. Allen is expected to arrive early May in Athens to start shooting and according to the the production company, the film is going to be completed by late September.

Ladies are you listening - That means that Brad Pitt is going to be in Athens all summer long!

Article in Greek - Sofokleous

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