Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Moore: Failure of CEC endangers the elections


April 23, 2013

DES Director, Jonathan Moore, said from Washington that the CEC malfunction endangers the elections in Albania.

"Elections are important for democracy and progress. I hope that the elections to achieve democratic standards, as they are a test for democracy. Do not functioning CEC threatens the elections. When I was in Albania, the CEC had 5 members, but now there are only three. CEC should function properly, " Moore said at the conference entitled "Parliamentary elections in June - a test for democracy in Albania", which was broadcast live in Tema TV.

Meanwhile, Rob Benjamin of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs said that the CEC is not a political party.

"We are monitoring the electoral process, political parties will be those who will win elections, but at the same time they must apply the law, should nominate members to the CEC and transparent process. The problem was created recently. CEC is not a political party, but an institution that administers elections. If you do not agree and decided that Parliament should decide the CEC, it is not a good way, " said Benjamin.

He continued by saying that there is no law to explain the DP application for amendment of the CEC.

"Last week a political party has decided to move to another coalition and thus CEC had changed. There is nothing in law to explain this requirement. If you have a politicized process, there are two problems: the problem of reliability and whether the CEC will not work cheap, is a difficult process. We are very critical of the political parties and they must do all this process have integrity " , said Benjamin.

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