Monday, April 8, 2013

Govt. officially rejects proposed Kosovo deal

BELGRADE -- The Serbian government met on Monday afternoon in Belgrade to officially reject the principles the EU proposed for an agreement with Priština.
(Tanjug, file)
(Tanjug, file)
Unusually, reporters were allowed to attend the session today during which the cabinet of Prime Minister Ivica Dačić concluded that the offered solutions, "which have been communicated verbally to our team", could not be accepted.
The said solutions "would not guarantee the human rights, survival and security to Serbs in Kosovo", it has been announced.

"Such an agreement would not be implementable and would not lead to a final and sustainable solution," Dačić stated.

The government also reaffirmed its commitment to finding a permanent solution by peaceful means, through dialogue, that will be a firm foundation for building a lasting peace.

The prime minister has been authorized to inform the EU of his cabinet's decision, reached unanimously.

Journalists were also told that the government was in favor of the urgent resumption of the dialogue with Priština, with EU mediation, in order to find the solutions for the contentious issues related to Kosovo and Metohija as soon as possible.

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