Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ex Foreign Minister Panariti: Destructions the election system, is an attack against Albania State

Balancing the membership and election of a president by consensus, would restore legitimacy CEC. Albania must act now or her future and is preparing an assassination

Edmond Panariti / Former foreign minister

-Still no perception of any reflective awareness of the majority, the fatality of a breach of the constitutional configuration of the Central Election Commission. Illegal Removal of one of the members of the CEC, in fact the whole deligjitimoi this committee, which is already off track and should not continue in its illegality. While counting back the electoral process has started, today we do not have a central administration of elections in Albania. This is compromising and more than that is too heavy, dangerous and offensive. What is happening is a shame for all of us and proves what extent can take the extreme polarization, the climate of mistrust between the parties and irresponsibility.

If someone intends to lead the country to elections farce institutions, the real goal is the destruction of the elections. If the goal is the destruction of elections, the real goal is the destruction of the system, installation of chaos, anarchy and instability. Albania and Albanians are still not free from nightmares of state collapse, anarchy and national drama after the 1996 elections. Deafness, blindness and irresponsibility of the time, paved the way for revolt, anarchy erupted across Albania and the burning of at least ten years to process, and hopes that her future.

Not to mention human dramas and tragedies of that folly which began as institutional rape. Any rational and accountable politicians of this country, should immediately realize that this is a situation of loss and losers. No time and unfortunately, as we are always in emergency time, we are in 'cajt-swimming'' and all this when we are less than two months away from the election. Must act quickly, responsibly and decisively restore legitimacy EER Central Election Commission. Balancing the membership and election of a president by consensus, the institution would restore legitimacy and Albanians to reassure him. Must act now, otherwise Albania and its future is preparing a grave assault.

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