Tuesday, April 23, 2013

EU: Albanian Elections are the key word

Top Channel TV

After the fifth Council of Stabilization and Association between Albania and the European Union in Luxembourg, the key word of the press release was the June 23rd elections, from which depends the European integration of our country, not only for the candidate status, but also for the membership negotiations.

“The European Union considers the elections as essential and in full accordance with the international and European standards. It will be a test for the smooth functionality of the Democratic institutions of our country, and for the European integration progress. As you know, we have expressed our concern regarding the consequences of the last Parliament voting. Dialogue must prevail over the clashes”, declared Lucinda Creighton, Minsiter of the European Matters.

Top Channel: Was the replacement of the Central Election Commission member by the Parliament’s votes in full accordance with the European standards that are required for the elections?

Stefan Fyle: I can clearly say that what you were referring to is not in the spirit of consensus that brought the interested parties to an agreement for the Electoral Code in 2012. We used this meeting to appeal all parties to urgently refresh this consensus on behalf of Albania and it’s citizens. Allow me to say that according to the Albanian Electoral Code, the election administration institutions must do their job in a professional and impartial way, and to work calmly, independently and in a non-partisan way. The independence of the Central Election Commission must be guaranteed.

Ministry of Integration, Majlinda Bregu: On behalf of our government I guaranteed that the June 23rd elections will be free, fair and in full accordance with the international standards. I think that this has a major importance for Albania, not only for the Albanian political forces, but also for the European integration, keeping in mand the Commission’s appeal that the elections’ result should be accepted, regardless of who wins.

When asked about the consequences in case Albania will not organize free and honest elections, Commissioner Fule declared: “I think that it is up to the member countries to decide, since the entire enlargement process is held and controlled by the member countries. I think that everything that is not according to the European standards would complicate Albania’s integration path, far from the European Union candidate status and the membership negotiations. This is very clear”.

The fifth Council for the Stabilization-Association concluded with a joint declaration that included some European Union stances, published one day ago by Top Channel, regarding the main challenges that our country faces in the European Union integration path.

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