Monday, April 29, 2013

"Dodik supports Serbs who oppose Brussels deal"

BANJA LUKA -- Kosovska Mitrovica District chief Radenko Nedeljković said in Banja Luka that Republic of Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik supports Serbs in Kosovo.
Milorad Dodik (Tanjug, file)
Milorad Dodik (Tanjug, file)
They oppose an agreement reached during the EU-sponsored Kosovo talks.
Nedeljković was in the Serb entity of Bosnia-Herzegovina on Monday.

After his meeting with Dodik, he told reporters that Serbs in Kosovo received the RS president's support to persevere in their demands and fight for their rights, "which are now being violated in Kosovo and Metohija."

The Fena news agency is reporting that Nedeljković said Dodik was informed about their position and the reason why they thought the deal was "harmful and unacceptable," - and that the document failed to guarantee even the minimum preconditions for the survival of the Serb people in Kosovo.

Serbs there, Nedeljković continued, do not wish to live in "an independent state of Kosovo." He added that the agreement meant that "Kosovo laws would be implemented and the Serb people, in a way, left at the mercy of the institutions of the unrecognized state of Kosovo."

He announced that representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija would on Tuesday meet with Ivica Dačić and Aleksandar Vučić, and that they would inform them about their position on the possible referendum.

Nedeljković also criticized media outlets in Serbia, saying they paid more attention to the representatives of the Serbian government, but not to the Serbs from Kosovo.

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