Thursday, April 18, 2013

Authorities to decide whether to send delegation to talks

BELGRADE -- The Serbian authorities have received an invitation to take part in a new round of the Kosovo negotiations on Friday in Brussels.
(EU, file)
(EU, file)
They will on Thursday evening decide whether to accept it, and if so, whom to send as their negotiating team.
During the day, President Tomislav Nikolić, PM Ivica Dačić, and his first deputy, Aleksandar Vučić, held consultations and analyzed yesterday's round of talks which ended without agreement.

Wednesday's round fell through despite the negotiators being close to an agreement, when Kosovo PM Hashim Thaci insisted on one of the points of the proposed agreement to be tied with Kosovo's membership in international institutions.

Kako saznajemo, Priština je imala i dodatna uslovljavanja i oko tačke 9 koja se tiče policije.

B92 has learned that Priština has further conditions regarding another point, which concerns the police in a future community of Serb municipalities.

The Serbian side now believes that today's invitation to resume talks, sent by the talks' mediator, the EU - came because solutions have been found for the contentious parts of the agreement.

However, the negotiating team, and Vučić in particular, are reportedly viewing the invitation "with reserve", above all because of the "inappropriate atmosphere" during the talks on Wednesday.

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