Monday, April 29, 2013

Albania: Special Session of the U.S. Helsinki Commission 

Alarmed to US Congress: Standards elections have already begun to fall in Albania?
61 959
April 29, 2013 Tema Newspaper

Sessions of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as U.S. Helsinki Commission, have been of great importance in Albanian political life these 20 years.

The Commission, which joint  by a congressman and a U.S. senator, Christopher Smith and Benjamin Cardin, often organizes special session so close to the election.

But coming Monday, May 6, will have a special hearing to Albania, to discuss the elections, but above all to the fact that now the election standards are below expectations.

"Despite progress, Albania continues to face problems in building democratic institutions and practices, including respect for the law. As Albania prepares for parliamentary elections in June, this session hopes to assess the extent to which progress has begun to fall below expectations at home and abroad, and what can be done to speed up the way for further reforms in terms of good governance , " reads the official announcement.

At the hearing will speak Philip Reeker, Deputy / Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs; Galanxhi Gilbert, Albanian Ambassador to the United States of America; Elez Biberaj, director of the Division of Eurasia and Besa VOA Shahin, analyst at Initiative European Stability.

Two of the most important meetings of the committee are implemented for the 1996 elections, but even before the 2005 election, which was crucified former Prime Minister Fatos Nano.

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe is a U.S. agency that monitors progress in the implementation of the provisions of the Helsinki Agreement in 1975.

The Commission consists of nine members from the U.S. Senate, nine members of the House of Representatives and a member of the Department of State, Defense and Commerce.

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