Friday, April 12, 2013

Albania, is facing with the biggest problem of his modern history, the free elections

Podesta Group,an US NGO of The State Departament, that observes the Albanian government  is concerning about Central Election Commission, and the presence of OSCE in Albania

In Tirana voiced said for the removal OSCE Ambassador Eugen Wollfarth, before the end of the term, not left to prepare a report on the election

This clearly shows an e-mail distributed by the company on April 10, a day before the Albanian Parliament decide to postpone voting changes in CEC.

In the e-mail of John Anderson, the member of Podesta, can clearly notice that Berisha is trying to pass this opportunity without being drawn in Washington who wear.

"I want to bring to your attention what is happening in Tirana. Last week, on April 3, the Socialist Movement for Integration, a party in the ruling coalition, changed side and joined the coalition of the opposition Socialist Party. This change has dramatically affected the balance in the Central Election Commission, legally mandated, and in 89 regional election committees, whose members are elected by party affiliation. These committees play an important role in the validation of the results of the parliamentary elections of June 23.

This is an important development. There is nothing that a party ally change. But the decision comes after LSI is set membership in election commissions, which creates a dilemma, because the electoral code requires membership in committees to create a balance between the forces in power and those in opposition, " said the e-mail.

Anderson said that such a situation will create some fireworks.

"I do not know how to solve this issue, but given the harsh environment and disheveled in Albania, expect some fireworks. So see this e-mail and reply back if you need to contact someone from the Albanian government, " says Anderson.

Then he brings a historic election CEC, emphasizing more the problem of balance between political forces.

"The Central Election Commission has seven members, three from the majority, three from the opposition and the ruling party.

Commitment to a political balance is so strong, as amended election code to allow anyone, party, organization, even individuals, to nominate a member of the state and allow opposition candidates to eliminate, " said the e-mail.

"Half of the second level committees elected 4-3 in favor of the majority and the other half 4-3 in favor of the opposition. Even counting teams are divided in this way, " says Anderson.

Then he shows that after April 3, "Socialist Party won control of the CEC, taking SMI member" .

"The Socialist Party has won control of half 4-3 and 5-2 CEAZs other half, after receiving SMI members," concludes the e-mail.

But while it is under fierce battle, the presence of the OSCE, as an institution that should take care to prevent such a breach, did not react cut, but has left almost up to the majority decision.

On the other hand, are rumors that the current head of the OSCE Presence in Tirana, Eugen Wollfarth, harshly accused by opposition to his views often in favor of soft power may be removed from office before his term expires determined by law. This can be done for not allowing him to have on hand to write the report for the June elections in Albania. .

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