Friday, March 8, 2013

Koço Danaj: Shqiptarët kërkojnë Shqipërinë e tyre Natyrale

The ideator of the Natural Albania calls the Albanians of Macedonia
 Danaj: Macedonia "dead". Our hope, unity
by Koco Danaj

Today Macedonian chauvinism is laid on the offensive, he tells you that instead of Albanian democracy and coexistence, must choose the fear of the state or by people paid by the state. Therefore, this should disappear chauvinism. But to eradicate the Macedonian chauvinism have no value statements condemning it and in the end you call for caution Albanians!!!.

There are more than a decade that these statements come from Tirana, Pristina or out of the headquarters of the Albanian political parties in FYROM. There are more than a decade in Brussels Albanian nation is being used as a fireman in the Balkans, when it should be its main peacemaker. With recent events in the Skopje, Brussels messages or statements of Tirana, Pristina, etc. have no value. Already has value only Mass Resistance. National Union has value only has value only Natural Albania.

Macedonian chauvinism as any other chauvinism against Albanians, will disappear only when Albanians to join a state. For this reason, the official Tirana should refrain from statements that do not resolve anything and implement the Albanian Constitution, which provides for national unity, the protection of the rights of Albanians abroad. But in this sense should not be misinterpreted messages and appeal of our strategic partners of the West. The U.S. is against the nationalist rhetoric, but it is pro Albanian Constitution. U.S. defends not Macedonian chauvinism at the expense of the Albanians.

Likewise official Tirana should take example by the action of the Italian President Napolitano, who canceled a meeting with the German chancellor candidate only because he insulted two Italian politicians, Berlusconi and Bepe Grillo called clowns. And rightly Napolitano said: invalidate the meeting in the name of national unity and dignity of Italy. Therefore "List for Natural Albania" calls the Albanians in Albania East: Continue to Resist, continue to plead, from Kumanovo in Struga. Abandon the parties who want to use as "cannon fodder" for the interests of their corrupt ties with Macedonian chauvinism.

Do not let the sacrifice neither you nor Eastern Kosovo Albanians in the name of supposedly great historic compromise Thaçi Dacic, a compromise that protects not only Albanians, but thanks to the Albanian territories. Macedonia "has died" as a common state of Albanians and Macedonians. Let them "bury" it. This will be the greatest contribution in the service of peace, progress and stability in the Balkans. This will be the greatest contribution save Brussels by the crisis of the existence of the EU itself.


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