Thursday, March 7, 2013

Questions: SManalysis. asks the US Ambassador for issues of the Himara Region on Facebook

Mr.Ambassador Arvizu.Citizens of Himara, with American citizenship, have asked the U.S. Department of State, to care for their properties in The Himara Region .., Based on a memorandum between the Albanian government and the former U.S. Ambassador Josef Like. The process of registration of property of the OSCE, is achieved without transparency to the community, under corrupted interference metodes and laws (7501) of the Albanian State. Community properties and Orthodox Churches have long robbed and Albanian state takes no responsibility for the situation. Do you think that the stability of the country, Albania, in this case, is more important than freedom and human rights? Although Albania does not respect the historic rights of "Autonomous Himara", while seeking autonomy for Albanians in Serbia and Montenegro? Do we have to do with both democratic standards? Thank you. SManalysis 

still No answer .....

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