Friday, March 1, 2013

 Photo: January 18, 2012, HSA provided a venue in Washington, DC for Mayor of Himara, Jorgo Goro to meet with Congressman Gus Billirakis of Florida, where they discussed human rights and Orthodox Church property issues of Himara.

Himariotes, lobbying in USA, for Autonomy

SManalysis, Special Edition

 A group of people of Himara, with American citizenship, are lobbying to the US Congress and the State Department, that the Himara Region, receive the right for autonomy, according to international historical right to his self-determination. 

Proposed to merge all associations operating in USA, Greece and Albania, to be united in a single purpose:

Autonomous Himara, Movements in the Balkans geopolitical, Mitrovica case, cutting pension from Greece, scarce public investment, robbery and illegal registration of property, etc., have raised a great concern, as never in the recent relationship of Himara, Albanian and Greek state relationship.

The province, which has a history of at least 2600 years, independence, is coveted by the Mafia, by exploiting the weakness of Albanian democracy, but also the growth of nationalist phenomenon, has remained out of public investment attention from all Albanian governments, both in energy and infrastructure, while thousands of hectares of property, being abducted illegally false decisions from the Albanian courts and institutions of restitution.

An EU-funded registration process for all Ionian coastal area, and is being implemented by the OSCE, is failing, because the Albanian government, unduly interferes with the legal system through defective and real estate registration offices, not having transparency for all community Himariot.

Personalities of Himaras in diaspora, are convinced that democracy is weak in Albania, serving elements of the Mafia, to check its properties, especially when the Albanian government approves economic concessions against the interests of the population, which controls the majority of annual product tourism, which reaches a lot of money..

Meanwhile, in the historic and geopolitical Himara`s balances, with strategic trends of Albania and Greece, especially when developing administrative elections, in which the Himara unfortunately treated to the ethnic perspectives, of the Greek-Albanian collision._Initiators in USA, based in historical right to self-determination, have started lobbying campaign, for which they are lobbying as in US Congress, in State Department. Himara, remember last November 5, the 100th anniversary of the declaration of independence by hero Spiro SpiroMilo, who made an effort not to involvement with the great powers, within the territory of Albania.

In February of 1914, with the declaration of autonomy Northern Epirus and Corfu Protocol Treaty, in May 1914, Himara had autonomous rights, recognized by the Albanian state. In 1921, when the Albanian state, took the form of state officials, Himara continued to exercise autonomy by the Protocol of Corfu, until in 1935, when King Ahmet Zog abolished autonomous rights, which returned to the people of Himara, the League of nations.

During World War II, but also the time of the dictatorship, the people of Himara was persecuted and many of its men died in prison as a result of opposition votes against the dictatorship, but also the presence of strong, indigenous Greek community. Since that time and until now, Himara living under the rule of the state.

The Himara Region counts about 25 thousand people, with triple citizenship, mostly in diaspora, Greece and USA. The region is the elite of the Albanian tourism, which compost about 8% of the total GDP of Albania on tourism, or about 80 million euro.



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