Monday, March 18, 2013

Pedophile killed 11-year-old missing boy

Pedophile killed 11-year-old missing boy
Police informed that they found the truth about the 11-year-old boy who disappeared onn 30 November 2012. Julian Cela, son of the vice chief of Antiterrorism at the State Intelligence Service had been missing for four months.

After arresting a 45-year-old Ardian Prrenjasi suspect on pedophilia charges, Police thinks that he is responsible for the disappearance of Julian Cela as well.

The 45-year-old had kidnapped another 10-year-old one day ago. Police found the kidnapper inside his apartment wielding a knife in his hand.

The child was found in difficult conditions and was immediately sent to hospital.

Prrenjas had been tried before for abusing with minors, but no one knew him in Lapraka, where he had rented a house a few months ago.

He worked as a driver in a Tirana city-cleaning firm. Police interrogated him about Julian Cela, who disappeared in the same neighborhood.

Prrenjasi confessed the kidnapping of the 11-year-old and told the police he killed him and hid his body in Tirana's outskirt landfill.

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