Thursday, March 14, 2013

edmond temelko 2
Mayor of Liqenas: Macedonian want their police, feel threatened

Edmont Themelko, the Mayor of Liqenas, at the same time the leader of ethnic Macedonian Minority "Alliance of Macedonia", seeks to change the name of this local unit,  Pustec.

"I am committed to this and I take full warranty by Prime Minister Sali Berisha, opposition leader Edi Rama and SMI leader, Ilir Meta," he said to GSH.

While members of the PS, the Union Fino and Pandeli Majko, who declared the vote against, he said: "I was familiar with their positions. I learned from the media that Mr. Majko said at the meeting that this application proposes the PD and non-residents of the area. .

Demand is the local residents themselves. We hold a referendum and plebiscite is seeking the return of name Pustec.

According to Themelkos, they will be in league with those who will allow: "Respect for conventions and international organizations appeals for the protection of our ethnic identity, cultural and religious. In short, the right to learn our native language, representation in state institutions, local minimum.

Want Macedonian ethnic minority representatives to be part of public administration, part of the judicial system and the police. Have therefore the same rights as Albanians, who as you know are represented at all levels of government public administration. "

He states that feel threatened by Albanian nationalist extremist circles as the Red and Black Alliance.

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