Monday, March 25, 2013

Grenades and explosive arsenal  inside Albanian café in Athens

Entire arsenal discovered in Albanian cafe in center of Athens. Specifically in the area of ​​cell found grenades, explosive devices, drugs, and a revolver.

Specifically following information for drug trafficking and firearms from an albanian cafe owner, the police found him and watching the movements of the discovered where parking used as a warehouse for drugs and weapons. The 36 old year  Albanian arrested along with one 31 old year accomplice and taken to the Prosecutor.

The arsenal found in the area and seized:

  * Quantity of raw cannabis-weight 1940-gram.
  * Quantity of heroin weighing -4 - g.
  * Sixty-seven (67) bodies defensive grenade type F1
  * Sixty-eight (68) grenade initiating devices
  * One (1) revolver of 0,22 mm
  * Seven (7) cartridges of 0,22 mm above the revolver
  * The amount of (3.400) million
  * One (1) mobile phone

The arsenal in the Albanian cafe in conjunction with the recent attempted escape of prison  root and unprecedented military-style business release Kalashnikov and hand grenades of 11 Albanian criminals from the prisons of Trikala gives new dimensions to the whole affair revealing that there is a major national security issue of our country . The escape from the prisons of Trikala may reveal new insights into the suspicious activity Albanian paramilitary groups in Greece. However, the mechanisms of the domestic system have imposed a general silence to resistances of Greek people and downgraded a matter which should have been closely monitored by the country.

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