Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"Candidates, no connections with crime"

Candidates, no connections with crime
Civil Forum 2010 asked the leaders of the political parties in Albania to chose people of integrity as MPs, avoiding this way discrimination of names that are related with corruption.

Former Presidents Alfred Moisiu, Rexhep Mejdani and other renowned names of the civil society say that the corruption and criminality have increased due to their connections with the high rank state officials.

The tens pre-election situation is consequence of the harsh and destabilizing behaviour of the highest politicians.

“It is time for some politicians to make room for people who have a contemporary mentaltiy. The Parliament should not have people with moral and political stains. The parliamentary candidates should also be chosen more carefully to represent with dignity the major interests of the public and our nation”, declared the former President, Alfred Moisiu.

“After all, everything is related with integrity. This important element should be part of the public voice and impose the political parties in the selection of candidacies”, declared former President Rexhep Meidani.

This meeting concluded that the pre-election situation is very concerning, especially when the Central Election Commission and the police is led by political orders.

This meeting also opposed the proposition of the Albanian Prime Minister to reduce the voting age to 16. Moisiu and Meidani considered it a political trick to remove attention from major issues. This was also opposed by the head of the OSCE in Albania, Eugen Wollfarth.

“I think that it could be an option for the future, probably for the elections 2017, because nothing is unchangeable. There is no time for these elections. We are three months before the elections and we have the first extract of the voters’ list. It is very important to have a stable situation before the elections, without unnecessary changes in the names of the communities”, Wollfarth declared.

When asked if this proposition was sent to any of the organizations that observe the elections in Albanian, Wollfarth declared that he has no information about it, and that the Prime Minister should provide better information.

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