Saturday, March 2, 2013

18 injured during protest in Macedonian capital

SKOPJE -- Seven protesters and 11 police officers were injured in incidents after a protest in front of the Macedonian government headquarters in Skopje on Saturday.
About a dozen people were arrested.
The citizens were protesting against the appointment of former commander of the so-called People's Liberation Army (ONA) Talat Xhaferi as the country’s defense minister.

ONA members fought against the Macedonian police in 2001.

Macedonian police have released that there were several incidents involving Macedonian and ethnic Albanians on Friday night.

Dostoinstvo party will today start collecting signatures for a referendum on which citizens should decide on Xhaferi’s dismissal. The party first needs to collect 100 signatures in order to launch the initiative in parliament. If the parliament speaker approves the initiative, the party will have to collect 150,000 signatures necessary for the calling of the referendum.

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