Thursday, February 21, 2013

Kosovo police increase presence in K. Mitrovica

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- The Kosovo police (KPS) have increased their presence in northern Kosovska Mitrovica due to frequent incidents, says KPS Deputy Regional Director Ergin Medić.
A view of Kosovska Mitrovica (Beta, file)
A view of Kosovska Mitrovica (Beta, file)
He said that the KPS had stepped up security measures in the north due to latest incidents and crimes.
Medić explained that the measures included increased control of vehicles and people, especially at night.

“The police have increased their presence in multiethnic zones of the town such as the Bošnjačka mahala and Tri solitera neighborhoods,” he stressed.

Medić added that the increased security measures would be in effect until further notice.

More than 20 serious incidents have been recorded in northern Kosovo in the last two months. The police qualified them as “endangering of public safety”.

Attackers often used explosives, hand grenades and various types of firearms.

Several such crimes have taken place in the last week in northern Kosovska Mitrovica. The most serious incident happened on February 4 when a bomb was thrown at a house of the Vučetić family in the Bošnjačka mahala neighborhood. Two children were injured in the blast.

The KPS still have not found the perpetrators.

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