Thursday, February 7, 2013

Greek governments have lost the trust of the Community of Northern Epirus

Only 10% of Northern Epirus inhabitants, about 40 thousand people, have received the Greek citizenship, while since 7 years, the rest are waiting endlessly, this injustice bureaucracy, of  the Greek state.

There are several reasons why today, the people of Northern Epirus, feels abandoned by  Greece's ethnic policies.

Property belong historically to Greeks, is transferred to Albanians, the Greek citizenship, is impossible to win with national pride , pensions of fathers, being blocked and the Albanian census, has "deleted" the Greeks by the claim, the Orthodox community, is attacked as ever, in the history of modern Albania. What other?

Maria Bolanos, a lawyer in Athens, leader of the League Himariot, has raised concerns in the Greek media, for some issues, which belong to the Greek national feeling, for the people of the northern Epirus.

During an interview, given to Eleftheri Ora newspaper, Bollano expresses her anger, for some cardinal issues, such as the properties of Greek citizens in northern Epirus, especially in Himara Region, as well as the right to have Greek citizenship, a historic national dignity.

Meanwhile, today, it is inconceivable that the Greek government continues to block, about 90% of the award of citizenship for Northern Epirus (about 360 thousand people) issue that has stunned the public, that someone has obtained the Greek nationality and other members of the family are still waiting for 7 years.

This is another of suffering, of the community in Northern Epirus, for which the Greek government must make its decision soon as possible, with responsibility that belongs, as this community, feel frustrated by bureaucracy and failed diplomacy of the Athens Governments.

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