Sunday, February 3, 2013

Berisha: Albanofobia kërcënon rajonin - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme

Berisha: albanophobia threatens inter region

Berisha: "We must accept that they are the only people who live in 5 states. A nation that is unjustly divided into 5 states, a nation that wants to look to a common future. But again albanophobia is still in action "

Albanian Prime Minister for the second time, threatening Greece, claiming that Albanians in Greece, should join the Albanian state.

Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha, speaking at the 49th Security Conference in Munich, where security discussed in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, has expressed his concern that attitudes against Albanians in the region are on the move and that it seriously threatens stability .

"If you look at the map of Europe, can not find another place surrounded by compatriots and the sea, as they are today Albanians divided into 5 states. I believe that through the process of the European Union, borders become irrelevant but dangerous is the idea according to which, since Albanians are dispersed in 5 countries should be converted into 5 different nations from each other. This is totally unacceptable. This will generate and provoke the opposite reaction. I support

We welcome the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade to Brussels. Obviously he has achieved some key successes. But I think attitudes released by albanophobia and moving towards reconciliation are crucial. Delicate situation in the region is that of the Albanians. Must accept that they are the only people who live in 5 states. A nation that is unjustly divided into 5 states, a nation that wants to look to a common future. But again albanophobia is still in operation, "said Berisha in his speech.

Asked by a German MP which is the message that will convey to the Prime Minister of Albania, Sali Berisha has urged quick action. Berisha illustrated his message with a statement in 1992, that should be bombed military bases in Serbia, which according to him, NATO did 7 years later. Perhaps, Berisha said, would have been better not delayed.

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